Category: math rock

PoiL – Sus [Dur et Doux 2019]

By Marcello Nardi May 3, 2019 0

Sus is a show of force, an aggressive mixture of weird elements that PoiL craft with masterful skill. They never juxtapose different styles for the sole purpose of creating explosive effects, while they want to create a narration, connecting distant elements, that might range from math rock, to folk, to extreme metal, showing a virtuoso playing together with a virtuoso writing

Anton Eger – Æ [Edition Records, 2019]

By Marcello Nardi Feb 12, 2019 0

Æ is a displacement of a billion forces collapsing one on each other, heading in multiple and unique directions. When you might be tempted to call it chaotic, it becomes intensely pop, when disco synths take the lead, then the drummer adds an array of incredible odd measured patterns. Nothing is ever stable, but the work is definitively unique. Pointing in a direction where others are indicating as well, at the junction between electronic, jazz, progressive and math-rock, yet it proves to be really a one of a kind -genre-defying- listening experience