Tag: Markus Reuter

Stephan Thelen – Fractal Guitar 2 (MoonJune 2021)

By Marcello Nardi Mar 27, 2021 0

Like a place I’ve been before, Stephan Thelen’s music retains that level of intimacy to my ear, whatever he plays. Exploration of rythmic fractals are, from the perspective of the Swiss guitarist, a neverending source of looking glasses and revolving doors that hint at a direction and take another. No surprise that Fractal Guitar 2, the sequel to the 2019 album on MoonJune Records, starts with a similar pattern with a the same line-up of incredibly high level of musicianship, but then veers in another place.

Markus Reuter – String Quartet No.1 ‘Heartland’, Matangi Quartet [Solaire Records 2019]

By Marcello Nardi Apr 16, 2019 0

INTERVIEW March 2019 – I just remembered that when I started composing last summer, a friend asked what kind of techniques I am using. I tried to explain. I remembered a game child play. It’s like a moving part on a world, like you have a complex music composition here on the bottom, but on top there’s a shape moving, which allows to see only some things. This is actually how Heartland was composed. It’s like a shape with holes that moved on top of a colored surface.